Sunday, March 27, 2011

Vscan, an Example of Handheld Ultrasound

 Winner of Popular Science's 2010 Health Award, the Vscan is one of a number of handheld portable ultrasound devices. With a fliphone appearance and a transducer connected to it, GE's Vscan has the capabilities of 2d imaging and colorflow all the while sitting in the palm of you hand.With the ability to quickly and efficiently acquire images, the Vscan would be especially useful in an ER setting and many articles claim that the Vscan will soon become as common as the stethoscope. Research shows that training and experience is still required to take optimal diagnostic images, and JASE states that handheld devices do not take place of a full thorough study. Though I disagree with the claim that the Vscan will take the place of the cardiovascular technologist,  I do think this new handheld ultrasound technology will play an important part in the diagnostic assessment of the patient.


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